Bob Farmer
Yayınlama: 30.03.2024 23:25,
Güncelleme: 30 Mart 2024 23:27
Pazar günü gerçekleştirilecek olan Mahalli İdareler Genel Seçimleri’nde propaganda süresi 20 Mart’ta başladı 30 Mart 2024 saat 18.00 itibarıyla sona erdi.
Propaganda süresinin sona ermesine rağmen Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan gelen SMS sosyal medyada çok konuşuldu.
Bob Farmer
Bob Farmer the current chairman had the idea to started the World Press Federation because of his own experiences in starting out as a journalist and existing journalist. He wanted to see fair treatment and ethical practice for people who operate in the media as well as his desire to remove the status quo. Bob also owns Sky Haber news channel that is dedicated to progressive news and media for people of all nationalities who may not have the support or are in need of a collective network that shares their views and opinions towards change in the news and media industry. it is with these ideals that the World Press federation will represent their global membership and works towards a more inclusive and diverse message that is underpinned by the freedom to express undiluted views and opinions.